Black Superheroes and their importance to Media


Black Superheroes and their Importance in Media

By Omara Olok

Kennesaw State University



Within the past couple of years, a rise in black superhero portrayals has become an iconic normality in the entertainment industry, yet has received some backlash from consumers who seemed to not have accepted these characterizations of fantasy, science fiction, and reality. Black icons have always gone through particular struggles in different platforms of media such as music, theatre, film, broadcast news, or television. The media’s acknowledgement has given a one-track perspective of how black characterization should be over the decades, but now with comic book mediums, does this begin impact some viewer’s perception? An example of television shows and films that have highlighted on this are Luke Cage, Static Shock, the upcoming Black Panther, Frozone from the Incredibles, Blade, Storm from X-Men, and Falcon from Captain America: The Winter Soldier/Civil War, respectively, as they have translated from the comic book medium into live-action portrayals. The shows have talked about their stark and bold nature to open the eyes of consumer and give a different effect of superheroes of African origin within media. The purpose serves as a platform of the influence and importance within the superhero phenomenon stretched through eras and pantheons in society around the world, but the still has begged the question: Is the public eye aware of the immoral black portrayals within the comic book medium?

HI: The study hypothesizes how black superheroes have garnered a public response that could be highlighted as positive/negative reactions and what the public’s perception can impact on the younger generations that are growing up with today’s comic book icons.

RQ: How do black superheroes effect the public perception?



Literature Review

The superhero status quo has existed prominently since the 1940s to give inspiration and imagination to future generations, so it should come as no surprise that there would be a hero meant for not only every Caucasian American, but black Americans as well. For the black superhero would represent the ideals and the struggles of what many black Americans had and are currently going through today. It’s one of the top reasons that an elusive number of articles has been produced on this study.

The research came from the precedence of black Hollywood’s rise to prominent status and began seeing a shift in the diverse ingenuity and creativity that is coming out of Hollywood. According to author King (2017), the media has been stated to be one of the world’s most powerful entities through making innocents look guilty and vice versa. The discussion pursues when applied to blacks, the statement rings true and by examining the recent deaths of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and Eric Garner, the incidents sparked up conversations of race relations in America and the role and responsibility in media. This sentiment carries into the legal system on how they have treated blacks in the public perception of these young men (King, 2017). The idea of racial contract, contributed by Charles Mills, comes into play, where examination of racial dimensions of civil democratic societies where the whites control the morality, policy, and dynamics of their supremacy. This contract streams as nonconsensual of an agreement for non-whites since the racial contract believes that they are “simple objects” (King, 2017). In order for this contract to work, rules are set in motion for different situations and principles. King (2017) elaborates how this apparatus is a tool to organize principle categorizing and collecting various institutional, physical or administrative mechanics and knowledge structured around exercising power and oppression over racial bodies. Ultimately, the media’s role to enlighten on cultural representation of people, particularly Blacks, shows the alignment of social constructed daily attitude of race (King, 2017). Scholars Derek Bell and William Crenshaw (1992, 2011) employed methods to study, challenge, and influence a change on legal systems becoming neutral and more color blind. CRT scholars use five key principles to assist individuals in the nuances of race v. racism: centrality of race and racism, dominant discourse challenge, social justice commitment, centrality of experiential knowledge, and transdisciplinary perspective (King, 2017).

One object about superheroes is they repeaters and recyclers, in regards to their audiences for both inhabiting their stories and those whom are audiences to the stories. This brings to the table a recently popularized hero and film, Django: Unchained. Coetzee (2016) disseminates on director Quentin Tarantino’s right to tell a “black story” by using Wall Street Journalist Ishmael Reed’s point of view. Calling it a discomforting description, Coetzee elaborates that Reed’s “alienated and critical response” of the film came from his personal understanding to “Who should tell the black story?”. Coetzee notes Reed’s resistance on the rights tell black stories on different layers and that represent black-centered responses to the film. However, the audience must be “unchained” as to react in ways exceeding the narrow minded responses Hollywood attempts to produce (Coetzee, 2016). While works from author Manthia Diawara touch on “blacks’ representation in Hollywood omitted…spectators will renounce results and refuse to forget their disbelief”, the typical “black spectators” should not be guaranteed nor limited to one’s ability to take a stand on the position (Coetzee, 2016).  Django is considered actively as an Afro-superhero for black audiences despite Tarantino to keep an open mind. Being the superhero trope specifics of reinventing, reinterpreting, and tuning to political context, African pop culture has stood out for the high political profiling of its superheroes. As the audience’s demands and needs change on a whim and the historical definition of a superhero shift are reimagined, most consumers have regards and their own responses and hesitation on what a superhero is. In truth, Django may not appear a superhero to Tarantino, yet it does not mean anything except to the public what a superhero is (Coetzee, 2016).


In more ways than one, black superheroes have reached audiences in ways people never expected them to: coolness. The first study shows author Nama (2012) discussing America’s transformation in the rise of racial justice from the 1960s and early 1970s when a character named Tyroc was introduced. With civil rights and black power movements at play in reality, Tyroc was a significance as his ability to alter reality with his voice and various screams were the thin line between how vocal black activists and organizations pushed to make America accepting (Nama, 2012). Early indications represented the new wave through social trends, culture themes, and political outright that stemmed from civil rights and Black power movements. Nama (2012) quotes a true shift that was significant as black representation in the film industry through Blaxploitation cinema and, as time passed, many of the black superheroes had rooted from this commonality.

Instead of B-rated superhero films and television adaptations, the plentiful black characters from comics began to leak onto various shows and films as supervillains. Although 1960s network television allowed interpretations outside of the superhero genre, it wasn’t until actress Eartha Kitt’s portrayal of DC comics Catwoman stood as a testament to cultural viewing of superheroes and their over layered enjoyment from power (Nama, 2012). The performance was becoming so grandiose, it set a template for future portrayals of the cat burglar and how subsequent her tempting nature could attract viewers. Without this performance, Halle Berry’s nine lives interpretation would never see major motion picture viewing (Nama, 2012).

Nama’s (2012) analogy on the black superhero standard rings through where she points to Christian Davenport’s article stating if a black superhero is too black, then they become irrelevant to whites, but if they aren’t black enough, they cannot validate the rationale for “black” superheroes to begin with.

Nama (2012) discussed further how the popularity and significance of comic book character, Spawn, a former CIA agent murdered by his own government and is a black character had less to do with his race and focused more on the artwork and goth pulp fiction of Todd McFarlane’s noir narrative. In this case, the significant key was timing for the character’s success with Spawn being ahead of its time and being visually cool, strange, yet cutting edge that mass audiences garnered the status to critical acclaim (Nama, 2012). However, aside from the racial image of a black man portrayed as a demon, the character’s symbolism of discovering “true” identity, struggling contradictions, love for his wife, and ethereal powers from heaven and hell to help save humanity give him a niche other superheroes never compared to (Nama, 2012).

In the second study, it can be noted that even through media’s prominence in providing inspiration, morals, and do right attitudes in the superhero medium, there are still audiences who have yet to grow into black superheroes on the big screen today. Hoeberek (2016) provides some discussion to how superheroes are have had to adjust to social modernism. Since comics began appearing during successful wave of attacks on the welfare state, the ideals of superheroes working for the public have changed the perspective of audiences and its creators. Although it embraced social norms of reality, comics have become lost and a new wave of cynical superhero stories came to light, but found ways to inspire people to work towards the greater good (Hoeberek, 2016).

The third study discusses Nama’s (2009) perspective on how the black superheroes have a lack of recognition as science fiction objection is not surprising due to black comic book images categorized into racial caricature and has less analyzation of the ignorant history of black representation in comic books. Nama (2009) admits in the discussion black superhero presence in a dominate white comic book universe of DC and Marvel had strengthened from the sociopolitical and racial times of the 1960s and 1970s, but underneath these layers of dark figures was not only race introduced, but a reimagining of black people soaring as science fiction spectacles of advancement and scientific metamorphosis. Culturally, black superheroes are not mere side show products, but have signifiers that touch on racial subjectivity, bring attention to racial equality and diversity, and holds considerable commentary of racial politics in not just America, but the world (Nama, 2009).

The fourth study comes from Sparks (2014) and Singer (2002) where the cultivation theory is the prime example of how consumers/audiences do not mention outwardly racial discrimination, profiling, or other biased and prejudice statements. Sparks (2014) alludes to cultivation theory, proposed by George Gerbner, the likelihood that the more people have consumed media then the more likely they are to be influenced by its messages from television. Thus, bringing to forefront some degree of stereotyping that occurs within media. Singer (2002) explains that critics have associated comics with perpetual racial stereotyping and quoting Frederic Wertham’s argument on comics “exposing children’s minds to endless stream of prejudice-producing images” where white superheroes are heroic and handsome whereas ethnic characters are subpar and suffer from inferiority. Believing race in comics needs a less overzealous approach, Singer (2002) notes by setting aside claims and opinions of stereotypes governing readers’ psyche should still hold comics accountable for ideological assumptions.


            The theory stands on the perception of black superheroes remains true and people do not judge today’s characterization’s as strongly as they did in the past. Critics have made their primary focus to askew from the general prejudices, but there are still some researchers who believe the impact on the audience, has weighed heavy on black people and the stereotypes they portray from DJ to hoodlum. As the research has stated what type of men and women the media portrays, the ideologies are still a reaction and albeit showcase personal beliefs over the person. Furthermore, if the research’s biased testament, proves from exposure and influence what a person of color within a medium goes through and the media’s effects that blend into the medium’s storytelling. Finally, black superheroes are an inspiration to children of all races and paved a way for audiences’ awareness and beliefs as more iterations of the black superheroes come to the big screen.











Boyd, R. L. (2015). The ‘black metropolis’ in the American urban system of the early twentieth century: Harlem, Bronzeville, and beyond. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 39(1), 129–144. doi:10.1111/1468-2427.12048

Gateward, F. K., & Jennings, J. (2015). The blacker the ink: constructions of black identity in comics and sequential art. [N.p.]: Rutgers University Press.

Coetzee, C. (2016). Django Unchained: A Black-Centered Superhero and Unchained Audiences. Black Camera: An International Film Journal7(2), 62-72. doi:10.2979/blackcamera.7.2.62

Hoberek, A. (2016). ‘But–what can anyone do about it?’: modernism, superheroes, and the unfinished business of the common good. Journal of Modern Literature, (2), 115. doi:10.2979/jmodelite.39.2.09

King, L. (2017, February 1). The media and black masculinity: Looking at the media through race[d] Lenses. Retrieved April 27, 2017, from

Nama, A. (2012). Super black: American pop culture and black superheroes. Choice, 49(9), 1630. Retrieved from doi:10.1080/01419870.2012.688994

Nama, A. (2009). Brave black worlds: Black superheroes as science fiction ciphers. African Identities7(2), 133–144. doi:10.1080/14725840902808736

Ryan, M., & Thon, J. (Eds.). (2014). Frontiers of narrative: Storyworlds across media: toward a media-conscious narratology. Lincoln, US: University of Nebraska Press. Retrieved from

Singer, M. (2002). “Black Skins” and White Masks: Comic books and the secret of race. African American Review, 36(1), 107. Retrieved from

Sparks, G. G. (2014). Media effects research: a basic overview (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

Star Wars The Force Awakens Review (SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN’T CAUGHT IT YET)

For the time I’ve been in a bit of limbo, all I have done is look at nerd culture and observed the heavy dose of what was to come this coming year. In terms of cinema, it has been a monumental year for many films that have released and, while I need to still review other films I promised I would, there can be none more enticing than waiting on the biggest film of the year of 2015: STAR WARS.


Nice fan art eh? I thought so.

We have many things to go on seeing as this is the first in a new trilogy (one I would love to be an extra in if some mystical Force let’s me. <-See what I did there…?) and as many things go, there’s a lot to talk about and get your head wrapped around. Centrally, for the sake of where we are headed and of what is to come later. Such as a revelation I kind of predicted with thanks to Internet geeks who stay at home plotting movie theories that could exist. THANKS GUYS!

Story Introduction

The film opens up with a mysterious message being given to a pilot by the name of Poe Dameron (played by Oscar Isaac) as the empire descends upon an outskirt junkyard planet known as Jakku. As they are attacked, Poe sends away his “buddy”, BB-8 (voice modulated by Ben Schwartz and Bill Hader [HUGE SURPRISE I didn’t see coming]) as he is taken prisoner by Kylo Ren (played by Adam Driver). As BB-8 is wandering the desert, he is almost caught but is saved the film’s female protagonist, Rey, who is a scavenger who is waiting on her family (more on that later…).

Once tortured by Ren, Poe is rescued soon after by a Stormtrooper who goes by the name FN-2187 aka Finn (later dubbed by Poe) and as they try to escape, their TIE fighter is damaged as they crash land onto Jakku. Finn, in response to the situation and sees he’s the only survivor, searches for a way to get off the planet and soon comes across Rey and BB-8. The two end up in grave danger once spotted by Stormtroopers and flee to find a ship to pilot away from the First Order.

Sorry, I just realized I never told you their name. Like I said, we’ll break down the nitty gritty later.

As they got away, the three are captured by an unsuspecting ship to where we see the return of two of the original trilogy characters Han and Chewbacca (played by Harrison Ford and Peter Mayhew respectively). As Han returned to smuggling after the war for unbeknownst reasons (family issues…ahem), they get caught in the crossfire of dealing with the Rathtars and some of Han’s “partners” who have come to take him out. Once free of the situation, Han assists the three in taking them to the Resistance to get the message safe and sound to Prin-General Leia Organa.

Apologies again, I keep forgetting “nitty gritty”. Dammit! Anyway…

Once the group lands on the planet, they meet Maz Kanata (played by Lupita Nyong’o) and she explains the situation to the new guys and tells them the Force needs to be placed back into balance. Finn and Rey, both afraid of their destinies, find alternate ways of trying to run away (a big focus of theme I’ll put into perspective in a moment). Before they had a chance to accept their taken path, The First Order immediately disposes of the Republic (a nod to the prequels in some shape) by using Starkiller Base’s destructive power to wipe out the system. Following this, the First Order come’s to Maz Kanata’s and seeks out the BB-8 droid that contains the map to Luke Skywalker who has since disappeared for the last 30 years prior to the events of the new trilogy.

How I neglected THIS importance is beyond me


Thanks, Sir Alec Guinness. Touched the soul there….waaaah.

Back to the story.

A fight ensues in the area as Kylo Ren lands and searches, only to find Rey on her own and discover she has seen the location of the map to Luke. This prompts a kidnapping and immediate escape as the Resistance began to overpower the small faction of Ren’s group. With a reunion of some characters (Leia Organa, played by Carrie Fisher, C-3PO, played by Anthony Daniels, and R2-D2, played by Kenny Baker), the Resistance, with Finn’s help and desire to rescue Rey, proceed to infiltrate Starkiller Base. This allows Rey some time prior to learning about the Force and using her powers to escape Kylo Ren’s torture. As Ren fears she may be MORE powerful than himself, he reports this to Supreme Leader Snoke (played by Andy Serkis) seeking to manipulate the girl to the Dark Side.

During the implications of everything, General Hux (played by Domnhall Gleeson) makes the stand to destroy the remainders of the Resistance and charges the base to destroy their system they have been hiding at. Once Captain Phasma (played by Gwendoline Christie) lowers the shields, Finn, Han, and Chewie use this time to save Rey and find the location to destroy the base from the inside. This leads to Han’s confrontation with his son, Ben Solo or known as Kylo Ren. As the father and son reunion looks almost plausible and able for their apologies, Ren stabs Han and thanks his father for “helping him”. Rey and Finn, in flustering anger, respond to this as they flee the scene by shooting down Stormtroopers as Chewie wounds Ren and blows up the base.

While running through the snow-ridden forest, they are confronted by Ren. Ren uses the Force against Rey, fueling Finn with anger, to fight back and protect her. Although the fight was a tough one, Finn was, unfortunately, defeated and is knocked unconscious by the lightsaber’s slash up his spine. Once Ren thinks he is free and tries to claim back Luke’s lightsaber, Rey’s Force powers come to light and the two duel it out in the crumbling base. As the Resistance fights hard with their squadron, Poe makes the decision to fly into the base and destroy the location within. Rey and Ren’s fight reaches the conclusion with Rey defeating the “monster” and escaping back to the unconscious Finn. With just enough time, Chewie flys in to rescue the two and they return to the base to care for Finn.

Finally, R2-D2 awakes from his powered down slumber and aids the Resistance by providing the full map, excluding the missing piece, to finding Luke. Rey and Chewie take the Millennium Falcon to a planet in the outer rim and discover the remains of the First Jedi Temple where Luke has been in solitude. As Rey climbs the steps, she discovers the Jedi and proceeds to hand him back his lightsaber in gesture. Luke’s expression leads to his questioning whether or not to return as the film ends.

Phew. Best summary I’ve ever written…somewhat.

Why am I watching this film?

As a timeless classic, Star Wars is a film franchise that has LITERALLY found its way throughout generations of fans, aspiring filmmakers, movie-goers, and potential future stars. The credibility within Star Wars is monumental and cannot be denied, whether good or bad.

Personally, I have 3 main reasons why I chose to watch this film:

  1. JJ Abrams
  2. New Trilogy with New Cast
  3. Cinematic Evolution

I’ll start with JJ. As a personal fan of his films Super 8, Forever Young, Armageddon, Star Trek, Cloverfield, and Mission Impossible III, the actor-writer-producer-director has made some leaps and bounds of his own as a fan-boy. I think in some ways that The Force Awakens was more of JJ’s film than just an homage to the original cast.


Second, a brand new trio with somewhere to go! I am a fan of new beginnings, probably because I want one…desperately…

In terms of the films, the actors, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, and Oscar Isaac, had a few well spirited moments in the film that gave their impression.

Finn is scared, witty, and tends to be energetic in moments of crisis. He, more or less, mirrors how Luke began in A New Hope. In an instant, Finn’s character is driven by emotion and is straight to the point, although he has a few flaws as his character should such as courage and responsibility. Still, he stands out as someone who isn’t judged by his SKIN like most people complained about for the last year, but is in his own right starting to come into his own, similar to Luke. I make the comparisons to Luke since he had a plentiful amount to learn before becoming who he is now.


Rey is the uncanny young woman who strives to be independent and shows off her prowess through mutual goodness and the ability to befriend someone in need. She could, in fact, be a better half to mirroring that of Leia and Han when we first meet them. It’s been exciting to view someone who is brand new to the universe and is ALSO a Force-Sensitive user. It’s great to see the story being told through her eyes and goes to show that we are about to begin an incredible journey with this new young lady. Plus, I’m sure the sex appeal is added for the fan boys…ahem.


And finally, Poe Dameron. His character is just, friendly, and willing to lay down his life for the greater good. Complete opposite of how we first me Han but I think he’ll have more to say in the upcoming Episode VIII since he was limited to starting off Finn and Rey’s adventure more so. His beginnings can be explained in the Shattered Empire comics for those who wish to read them and learn how he is connected to Leia, Han, and Luke. If he gets some cool, extended story, I would like to see his development and what he’ll offer to Finn, seeing as they are SUCH good buddies. Ah? AH? AHHHHH you get it.


In terms of cinematic evolution, as the span of many films have come to acknowledge, that JJ’s vision was with the times, however much of a classicist he is terms of filmmaking. From the span of the camera work to its special effects, JJ highlighted on the witty dialogue well with Lawrence Kasdan, who co-wrote the script with JJ. While the CGI work is noticeable in certain scenes, it was good to see that he invoked as MANY practical effects throughout the film’s entirety and wished for the fans of Star Wars themselves as well to understand how big a project it was not only for him but for the fans themselves. There’s a beautiful dolly shot during the battle at Maz Kanata’s that is certifiably amazing to see Finn run through the rubble even with the TIE fighters and X-Wings having a shootout right above him. Another shot I took into consideration was the chase scene with Finn and Rey. A magical rapid motion from their meeting to escaping on the Falcon was in itself wonderful to encapsulate what “DANGER” really means.

WTAF Moments

Of all the moments in the film, the biggest one was CLEARLY what happened to Han and yet, I definitely saw it coming…

I can’t explain why, but I just did…odd right? Whatever.

Another scene I think was as much a WTAF was more a HELL YEAH moment was Rey using the Force on the Stormtrooper to unbind her restraints and escape the cell Ren kept her in.

Rey: You will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open.

Stormtrooper: What did you say?

Rey: You will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open.

Stormtrooper: I will tighten these restraints, scavenger scum!

Rey: You will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open.

Stormtrooper: I will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open.

[he does so]

Rey: You will drop your gun.

Stormtrooper: And I’ll drop my gun.

Note: The Stormtrooper was played by Daniel Craig (currently James Bond aka Agent 007)

Does the music keep up with the film?

I’m not even going to answer this because it was Sir John Williams. I have been listening to the soundtrack while typing this and he’s still got it. Pulling on emotion and giving that rapid orchestral flare when necessary. This dude is forever OG status in terms of composer. Flawless.


Watch the Oscars suck it this coming year. Bastards.

Final Words

When it boils down to it, the film itself is definitely one of my favorite ones out of the whole series (the other being Empire Strikes Back). In terms of rating The Force Awakens, I’ll give it a 4.85 out of 5 star rating. The only few issues I can stomach on the film was a few scenes I can tell JJ cut out (would have made the film longer but eh…) and the overall abundance to focus on only the protagonist more than the antagonist such as Kylo Ren, General Hux, Captain Phasma, Snoke, who all seem  interesting and definitely deserve a grand return with more use to them.

(I secretly want Finn and Phasma to go toe-to-toe with one another).


But ahem. A few dialogue lines that stuck out:

Finn: We’ll figure it out, we’ll use the Force!

Han Solo: That’s not how the Force works!


Finn: Ok, stay calm… stay calm…

Poe Dameron: I am calm.

Finn: I was talking to myself.


Finn: Hey, Solo. I’m not sure what we’re walking into here…

Han Solo: Did you just call me “Solo”?

Finn: I’m sorry, Han. Mr. Solo. You should know I’m a big deal in the Resistance, which puts a real target on my back. Are there any conspirators here? Like First Order sympathizers?

Han Solo: Listen, “big deal”. You got another problem. Women always figure out the truth. Always.


[Poe is captured and brought to Kylo Ren who kneels down and stares]

Poe Dameron: …Do I talk first or you talk first? I talk first?



Han Solo: [stepping into the Millennium Falcon] Chewie, we’re home.


Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer:

Her (Film Review)

First, I would like to point out that a movie with the capability to make me almost cry is a well done movie in its own right. There are things that are so suggestive about Spike Jonze’s script that put me in a complex situation and kind of shifted my view on how a relationship can be perceived, to which I say I think that was the point obviously. Jonze had an array of characters introduced throughout each piece of the film or as I call it the four layers of cinema pie: the story’s introduction, why am I watching this film, does the music even keep up with the film alone, and, my personal favorite, what the actual fuck moments. This will be the first film I’ve put into my style of reviewing films and other forms of cinematography, so here goes a critique from a dumbass. Let’s start with the story’s introduction.
Story Introduction
Characters with a solid background are vital as a vitamin is to a five-year old kid who just caught his or hers first cold. The story of Theodore Thombly was one I heard numerous times in a vastly amount of cinematic dramas with a romantic placement. Theodore had been a strong introvert, a brilliant performance as usual from Joaquin Phoenix, with tendencies to have not as many interactions with his soon-to-be ex-wife laying out the layers of what he thought and saw as romance. Theodore’s character is utterly established not for merely the audience and critics sake but it is important to know about his thoughts on the egging question: What is love to you?
Why am I watching this film?
From the point I heard the woman on the earpiece moaning about phone sex and her dead cat in her room to Joaquin’s reaction to the situation, I was almost tempted to just stop the movie…literally. I couldn’t imagine feeling an overabundance of laughter ready to swoop in and just completely ruin the scene. One might say even Joaquin and Jonze plotted out this scene in hopes of viewers to turn a head and ask “Is this the shit I paid for?” I jest, but as the film continues on, his relationship with the OS Samantha intrigued me. The relationship is the core of the entire film aside with supporting actors Chris Pratt and Amy Adams in the fray. We have to see everything play out and what bonds it takes for a film of this magnitude to receive acclaim for diverse performances and intriguing ways of how 21st century technology furthers our way of thinking. Samantha, voiced by God’s nerd gift to the world, Scarlett Johannsson, had me smirking and throwing out a few “rewind” and “play” moments for the film. Even with no ACTUAL appearance within the movie (although, I’m positive that was her body and silhouette at the film’s climax) she delivers stellar voice-over acting with emotion to make one weep, feel, and process the situation of each scene she is involved in. Chris Pratt is the guy you want to have as a best friend no matter what film he may be involved in. He has been given the usual typecast comical role but has flexed his dramatic side to his acting (Zero Dark Thirty, Moneyball, Delivery Man, Guardians of the Galaxy) with each performance. This put Chris as one of my favorite actors, who I claim, is finally getting the recognition he deserves (Shout out to Parks and Recreation, you are going to be missed after next year!). Amy Adams is the girl who gets left at prom and has nothing to do but ask for a ride back to the creepy guy no one talked to in school. I felt bad for her character and as she delivered her lines, emotional trauma seemed to leak out from the actress herself. This alone sold me on her character and caused me to wonder how someone would abandon a wife like Amy and live to tell the tale (Sort of kidding…no, I’m not). Other fine actors are Olivia Wilde, Portia Doubleday, Rooney Mara, Kristen Wiig (she’s the Sexy Kitten voice where I’ll elaborate in my WTAF moment) and Spike Jonze himself (I didn’t know the little alien kid was him the entire film until I googled it).
Does the music even keep up with the film?
I have to say the musical score for this film was breathtaking and utterly calming to the mind. With a peaceful capture of the scenes by cinematographer Hoyte van Hotema, the parts were played along to the characters brooding mood of an introvert and stemmed into the nature of the human psyche a bit. Arcade Fire did an excellent exposition of Theodore and how he looks at life with each piece of the score giving a “walk in his shoes” type of feeling as we continue to coast along. The film kept me on my toes with each dramatic piece involved and the surprising nature of things to enjoy were the character’s comedic interactions (including lead, supporting, and voice-over) and the groove was shifted by just one sample of Theodore’s look, Amy’s concern, a laugh, a tear, etc. Arcade Fire’s acoustics could mellow out the most unstable and loudmouth baby in the crowd.
What the actual fuck moments
Finally, I would deem a plenty of WTAF moments into a book of insane possible things I’ve most likely seen with locals around the block but phone sex has not been on my list of things to start up (or consider, honestly, no.) Kristen Wiig may not have had anything to say but it doesn’t mean that the effect didn’t stick with me throughout the film. The film had those key ingredients mixed into the already ridiculous sci-fi romance and then with a hint of realistic comedy, you have what I have now to begun deeming for future writing “Wiiging Out”. Another WTAF moment for the film with me was the fact Theodore shutting down Catherine and making himself out to look as a weirdo in her eyes. The process was almost a literal two minute mark and I can already still feel mad at Joaquin Phoenix denying Olivia Wilde. Dammit! It’s OLIVIA FUCKING WILDE! If the opportunity arose where I had the chance to take that woman on a date and she asked about our kissing, my response is a clear “TRY HARDER, BITCH!” to my conscious. Now, reasonably as a future filmmaker, I would like to go on record and state that Wilde is not a bitch BUT her character shot down a nerd. A little stereotypical, eh Jonzey? (See what I did there?)
Final Words
My overall analysis of Her is the film enlightens us to the beauty of what we perceive as a race for what love stands for and endures and, I promise I’m not sugarcoating this statement, how we might find “love” in twenty to thirty years from now. God bless the world and its problems to come. The film in my book will be regarded with high marks and I would recommend watching for your own appeal and formula of how you may enjoy love and its complete maniacal concepts.
P.S.- Yeah, for guys/girls who have boyfriends/girlfriends and you are a closet nerd, NOW would be the time to show her this movie in case she tries to pull one over on you…I mean it! (Laughs)